Born: October 25, 1881, Málaga, Spain

Died: April 8, 1973, Mougins, France

Full name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.

Photo Credit:  Self Portrait Facing Death (June 30, 1972).

“He did not blink. I had the sudden impression that he was staring his own death in the face, like a good Spaniard”  Pierre Daix

As a child I was so influenced by Picasso that when I created drawings of faces I intentionally positioned both eyes askew because that was how I thought you were supposed to draw eyes. When my teacher pointed this out to my mother at a parent teacher conference my mother was so proud. She recognized what I was doing. “My daughter is copying Picasso!” she said with pride.

In our house there were odds bits of art all about. Most of them were framed copies that my mother collected and displayed with the garish glee of a Pilipina who had seen the world. I was taught that a Picasso was the pinnacle of Modern Art. And for a child that meant that modern art had nothing to do with reality but everything to do with how life appeared when you crossed your eyes. LOL

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